Skin Infinity Clinic

Underarm Sweat

Non-Surgical Treatment for Underarm Sweating

Humans are born with about 2-3 million sweat glands all over their bodies. For some people, sweating is extreme and the underarms can be one of the most bothersome areas. The disorder is called hyperhidrosis and is caused by the overstimulation of the sympathetic nerves in the underarm area. Excessive sweating can also lead to excessive body odour. Specific foods, stressful situations, exercise, and emotional situations can make both sweating and body odour worse.

MELODRY is a non-surgical treatment for underarm sweating. It is FDA approved and is performed in the office under local anaesthesiaME only. Results are permanent and decrease underarm sweating by about 80-90% – about as much as surgery, but without the risks. Most patients only need one treatment and have no need for antiperspirant or deodorant! The treatment kills both the sweat glands and odour glands forever.

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